OK. I'm going to be perfectly honest and say that typically I don't read classics unless they're forced upon me. However, I have found one that I chose to read (without anyone twisting my arm) that is pretty daggon awesome. I'm currently working at a theatre in the-middle-of-nowhere, KY and the next show I have a role in is Dracula. I felt that, for research purposes, I should probably read it. And why not? There's nothing to do in this town anyway except go to the local Subway. And although I do like me some sandwiches, they curb your appetite and not your boredom. So I started Dracula. And I have to say I'm awful surprised. It's a really great book. It's extremely interesting and actually really creepy. Not very many books have made me go to sleep with lights on. And yes, it is about 500 pages of small print, and I'm not saying it's the most fast-paced book I've ever read. But what's interesting to me is that it's not your typical narrative, but is told in the form of documents from the perspective of 5 or 6 different characters. You know, like diary entries, letters, telegrams, newspaper articles, etc., etc. Which totally makes it feel voyeuristic and creep-tastic.
Not my favorite book in the whole wide world. But I'm definitely glad I'm reading it.
OMG It's Ashley! How is podunk?
Podunk sucks monkey balls. There is no reason to ever come here.
Oh. Wait. Except there is. Come visit me. Dear God, please.
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